Forget daily finger pricks. CGM sensor stays comfortably under your skin for up to 14 days, providing a wealth of data without the hassle.
Unlike a finger prick that gives you a single data point, a CGM measures your glucose levels every few minutes, painting a complete picture of your glucose trends throughout the day and night.
Don't let swims, baths, or workouts slow you down! CGMs are water-resistant, so you can stay active and enjoy life without interruption.
Handy trend arrows on your CGM receiver or app show you if your glucose is rising, falling, or staying steady. This real-time information empowers you to anticipate changes and make informed decisions about your diabetes management.
Need to check your glucose but don't want to draw attention? No problem! CGM Sensor allows you to scan through your clothing for ultimate discretion.
What's included
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device
Utsah Protective Patch/Covering
Free App Access
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